Neon Numbers 2014
18th October
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, Southbank, London
The first Alternative Miss World of the teens, Neon Numbers is a success!
As the winner, Miss Zero + (Sasha Frolova) had to compete against seasoned participants such as Andrew’s sister Janet Slee, who competed in her 13th pageant. Thankfully, Grayson Perry, Angela Flowers, and Daniel Lismore witnessed the nobility of NEON!
Miss Zero+
(Sasha Frolova)

Peter Logan, Fenella Fielding, Miss Fancy Chance (Veronica Thompson), Dame Zandra Rhodes, Anthea Norman-Taylor, Rajeev Sethi, Molly Parkin, Zoe Wanamaker, Rebecca Hoffberger, Daniel Lismore, Gwendoline Christie, Angela Flowers, Giles Deacon, Patricia Quinn.
Miss Surf Mama One Million Years BC (Wilma Johnson), Miss Infinity (Richard Logan), Miss 3 Sheets to the Wind (Piers Atkinson), Miss Pi Paulus (Andrey Bartenev), Miss Nine Daisy Wonder (Quentin Logan), Neon Natal (Jonathan Lawson), Queen Thirsteen (Kirsty McKenzie), Miss Katherine Wheel Alexandra Cowan), Miss Sweet and Sour 17 (Scarlett Inglefield Malone), Miss May B. Jones (Janet Slee), Miss Rainbeau High (Mark Traves), Miss marina Psychopomp of the Counter-Intuitive-Homeostasis, (Christine Binnie), Miss Nether Regions (Stefan Leenaars), Miss Melonie Peel (Lee Benjamin), Miss Enigma (Edwina Orr), Miss Zero+ (Sasha Frolova).
Producer - Michael Davis | Co-host - Grayson Perry | Sparkling Secretary - Scarlett Cannon | Music - Circulus and Michael Green | Programme - Piers Atkinson, Michael Nottingham and Andrew Savage | Host and Hostess Costume - Zandra Rhodes, Frances, Stephanie and the team at Zandra Rhodes Inc. Whitaker and Malem, makeup by Phyllis Cohen and Celine, hair by Keith of Smile (Keith Wainwright), hat by Piers Atkinson | Photography - Paul Morgan